Sunday, June 19, 2011

Get Your Driver's License First!

"Get your driver's license first!" this is what I am always telling myself before I imagine so many things. You know I've been dreaming of having my own car yet I don't have my driver's license yet! I know I should get first but I am afraid to take the exam, lol. I guess I need to review first so that I can answer every question in the exam. And when I get my driver's license already, I will be visiting back to look for used cars. I heard that West Palm Beach + Florida has plenty of very nice used cars there that's why I am eyeing on their items.  My husband keeps on telling me not to involve myself into car hunting first coz we all know we ca't afford to buy yet. But I just love to look at them, I can't lose anything on imagining these cars right? I am just dreaming about it. I love to have a car of my own someday, but hubby is correct, I have to make my first move, to get a driver's license!

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