Thursday, March 3, 2011

My OC Little Daughter

Ishi is not the kind of kid that knows how to pack away her stuff, you need to ask her first before packing away her things. She loves to play with so many toys but she don't know how to put it back from their places after. But one thing I admire about her is that, she doesn't want to throw trash just anywhere especially when it's not the proper trash area. When she was 3 years old, we were in a jeepney, we saw a man throwing his candy wrapper thru the jeep's window. Ishi's eyes seemed asking that day so I talked to her immediately. I said, "anak throwing trash anywhere is not good, coz that's the reason why there were floods everywhere" (we lived in Malabon so she always see floods). She just nod her head and continue observing the man who threw trash in the window.
After that incident, whenever she saw a kid or even an adult that throws trash everywhere, she can't help her self but approach them and say "excuse me po, bawal po nagtatapon ng basura kung saan saan, dapat sa basurahan po"(excuse me, it's prohibited to throw trash just anywhere, it should be in a trash can).
It's not the first time I heard this lines from her. Whenever she saw someone until now that she's five already, there's no time she skipped saying it. Some have no reactions after hearing it especially kids like her, but when it's an adult who heard it, they seem to be ashamed of what they have done so they will pick it up and throw it in a trash can.
Sometimes I wanted to stop Ishi coz it's not her responsibility to tell everyone about it. And sometimes I am a bit worried for someone might got offended and say something bad to her and I want to avoid that. But what can I do, she's OC about it but I love it!
These irresponsible people should hear it from a 5 year old kid and take it as a slap in their face!

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