My Princess Ishi seems to have frustrations already at her very young age. I can see how much she wanted to have white complexion.

She is not that dark but she seem not to like her color. I remember when she was just 3 years old and she started to say she likes Lola Mama's color. She was also saying she wanted my white face (though my face is not really white, maybe just whiter than hers). I feel so sad she's wanting these features already. I remember telling her before, "don't worry your color will change when you grow up". Yeah, I believe her color will change when she grow up especially now that there are so many whitenings, glutathione, whatsoever invented in this world just to make your skin fairer and flawless. How I wish she could figure out what color she really wants before she reach her teen life and before using any whitening. How I wish she could realize that black is beautiful. Or how I wish I could easily give what her want. I am really sad and feeling hurt when she envy others complexion.
Last time there were some instances again that really convinced me how much she wanted to have a white complexion.
I saw a white spot on her legs, I said "oh my, Ishi, you have a ring worm like daddy, come let's put some cream so the bacteria would die" and guess what she replied to me?!? She replied, " No mommy I don't like, that's not a bacteria, that means I'm getting whiter already". I laugh coz I find it funny but it really hurts me after wards.
Another instance was just this morning, my niece who happened to be darker than her stayed in our home for one night. They took a bath together, my mom saw Ishi putting her arms beside my niece's arms and excitedly shout "WOW, Lola, look maputi na ako!(look mommy my skin is getting whiter)" Aw! Look how my girl really wants it?
What can I do in this kind of situation?
I myself is not lucky to have a white complexion but among other siblings, I am the luckiest coz I am the only one among us four who has fair complexion.
When I was pregnant to Ishi, I was praying that she could get Lola Mama's(MIL) skin. My Mom-in-law has a very nice skin, not too white but has a shiny one.
God didn't give that to me maybe because most of my request were granted, Daddy's eyes, daddy's brain, daddy's trait, etc. Most of them were daddy's as well as the complexion. =P
both of you look great thou' :D
Beautiful shot of the two of you!
My son and me at Nostalgic Marveling
You and your daughter are gorgeous!
Great mommy daughter picture!
Here's an award for you - http://mjdotcom-mjrodriguez.blogspot.com/2010/09/and-versatile-blogger-award-goes-to.html
you both look great indeed and that complexion (the tan one!) is to die for!
Very cute in your matching blue.
She's beautiful...and you will have to keep reminding her of that!
awwwwwww,,,,you guys are cute...I like your outfit sis...it looks great on you....:)
thanks for dropping by on my M&MM entry...sorry for the late visit...glad to be here!
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