Saturday, January 24, 2009

Business Online

I am already selling products online. I am blogging about my projects and posting ads. This is really effective because most of my market especially OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) were using internet to browse their needs. But there are lots of competitors out there who's really making their own website where to post their products. My husband still working with our business website this year, he has a little knowlegde in designing website but since he's so busy with his work, he can't be able to finish it. I think I may be needing some help from channeladvisor custom store here. I also need some professional help from Multi Channel eCommerce solution on how to improve my website designs. Having your own website is really has a great impact with clients. My boss has lots of inquiries from her website. I should finish mine so I could able to gain more inquiries too!

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